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Doktor Hemma, your trusted healthcare companion
Doctor Hemma offers its services not only to private individuals or companies but also hotel guests and staff.
Offers and Services for Hotel Guests
Doktor Hemma is the clear choice for urgent health and medical care for Swedish and international hotel guests. When a need or problem arises, help is readily available. Doktor Hemma is part of a larger health and medical care concept, allowing hotel guests access to private specialist care.
Doktor Hemma works closely with international insurance companies, ensuring seamless administration and payment processes.
Hotel guests receive professional advice and assistance every day from 8 AM to 8 PM, including holidays.
Medical consultations can be conducted by a nurse or doctor via phone, video visit, or physical visit to a hotel room. Prescriptions are easily issued, even for foreign patients. Urgent tests are taken and analysed immediately during the visit. The same doctor can conduct follow-ups via phone or video. Doctor visits can additionally be arranged at a medical clinic. We also arrange referrals to specialists and physiotherapists. As a result of Doktor Hemma’s network, quick appointments are available whenever needed.
Payment can be made directly by the patient.
Doktor Hemma provides informational material in both Swedish and English for hotel guests in all hotel rooms and at the reception. Additionally, staff receive specific information about Doktor Hemma’s range of services, logistics, and guidelines regarding our services for guests.
Contact us: +46 10-288 29 00